This is one of three Fox News Polls released Wednesday. See results of Fox News’ polling on the 2024 presidential race here and on the Israel-Hamas war here.

More than half of American voters continue to support sending financial aid to help Ukraine fight against Russia’s invasion, though that number has fallen since January.

That’s according to the latest Fox News poll, released Wednesday.

A majority of 54% favors sending financial aid to Ukraine, down 9 points since January when 63% backed it.  

The downward shift in support comes mainly from Republicans — just 35% favor continuing aid to Ukraine, down from 51% in January. Democrats remain highly supportive of helping the war-torn country (76% vs. 79% in January).

Overall, 43% oppose sending money (up from 34%).

For comparison, 60% favor sending financial aid to the Israeli government for their military (37% oppose).  

‘This isn’t unexpected — historically, support for foreign engagements drops over time,’ says Daron Shaw, who serves as the Republican pollster on Fox News surveys along with Democrat Chris Anderson. ‘What’s different this time is Democrats are the most willing to stay the course for Ukraine.’ 

Two-thirds of voters remain extremely or very concerned about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (67%). While that’s about where concern was in January, it’s down from a high of 82% in March 2022 soon after the war’s start.

Three-quarters (74%) are concerned about the Israel-Hamas war. 

Just over a third (35%) think the U.S. should be doing less in general when it comes to helping Ukraine, while 21% say it should be doing more. The bulk of voters say the U.S. is doing the right amount (41%).  

Results in August were similar, but last December 29% of voters said America should be doing more versus 26% who said less.

The switch suggests second thoughts among Republicans and independents who now both think the country should be doing less. Democrats still feel the U.S. should be doing more (32%) rather than less (18%). 


Conducted November 10-13, 2023, under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with 1,001 registered voters nationwide who were randomly selected from a voter file and spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points for all registered voters.

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